

“Hi my name is Winnie. I was the international student in Kankakee Trinity Academy last year. I'm from Thailand which is the opposite side of the world. To be an exchange student is such a big decision in my life. There were nervous, fear, lots of feeling came up on my mind before. But when the time passed I was better I felt more comfortable and be myself. I did lots of things that I've never done before also learn about American culture. What I like most about KTA is the relationships between teachers and students. They are always there to help us and truly wish us well with a sincere heart. I've learnt so many thing from KTA that I've never learn before especially about Christ. We have chapel every week and bible class everyday. I've herd many stories about god from different people. My faith in Christ was growing deeper and deeper here. Before the class teachers always begin with praying. They ask for pray request, so we get an opportunity to share our distress or problems and the teachers share theirs too. So it's like we open our mind to one another and pray together, remind everyone that we are going to pass through it together. One of the most important thing that impacted me so much was my host family, the Garcia,. I was very lucky to have a chance to live with them. They treat me as their daughter and care so much about me. Moreover they all love god so much. We always talk about Jesus and pray at home. I got a bible from Christmas. I was very happy to share things I learn from youth group with them. It was amazing to live with a christian family. They always tell me that they love me but god loves me even more. They make me feel at home. I haven't got any homesick since I've been here. Every time they give me hug it was so warm that filled my heart. They are not just my host family but my family. On thanksgiving I ask them ‘Why did you guys chose me to live with ‘ And the answer was ‘We didn't choose you, God chose you for us.’ I have no wonder why it was such a wonderful time for me. Because it's all God's plan and god's plan always perfect.” - Winnie

“We have chapels and it showed me how to love God more and how to never be afraid of our fears.” - Gracie

“We have never missed a Bible lesson and we have chapel every Thursday. I know that I will keep learning about God and always learn something new.” -Elena

“I am thankful for making awesome Christian friends that make an impact in my life. We encourage each other with verses and quotes and much more” - Alitheia

“KTA is full of Christ loving people and kindness. I had a hard life growing up. KTA has helped me through struggles that I went through. It made me happy, not angry and upset, thankful and not greedy. Through them I came to know Christ Jesus my Lord. “ - 5th grader

“It is awesome that I can actually praise and worship Jesus. It is great that this school teaches God’s word.” - Ashton

“When I first came here, I didn’t really have a relationship with God. But when my teachers started teaching me about God I started praying and reading my Bible every day. I started believing even more than I already had".” - Eva